Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Not asleep!

We have a new deal.  AJ gets to stay up and read if she wants.  I no longer feign control over when she actually falls asleep.

However, there is a caveat.  I do have control over when she wakes up.  So she has been mighty tired these past few weeks.  The joy of staying up late and reading still far outweighs the morning grumpies.

Anyhow, today after I woke her up, she tucked the blanket around herself and closed her eyes.

Me: AJ?  Are you asleep? Wake up!!
AJ: *snort* Wha? No! I'm awake!! I was thinking....You know I think with my eyes closed.


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Love and happiness

AJ: do you know what is the opposite of love and happiness?
Me: hmmm?
AJ: it's fear.  When you're full of fear, you become full of hate and sadness.
Me: O_o  Uhm... You are so right, but where did you learn that?
AJ:  Star Wars.

Of course.  Important life lesson brought to you by Star Wars.